Welcome back to La Crosse, students! We know that you have made tough choices and put forth effort to be able to be here and we’re happy to have you. COVID-19 poses challenges for us all. Local campuses have all made safely staying open so as to best serve their students a priority. JC’s Village is as committed as ever to operating in a way that is a positive contribution to the campus culture and will abide by campus policies and CDC recommendations. That said, as the campus minister for JC’s Village - I am also personally as committed as ever to supporting students’ desire to grow their walk with God, explore their faith, and ask questions and meet other students on the same path in an environment that is encouraging, healthy, and supportive - spiritually and of course also physically. So - until La Crosse County is no longer a high-risk county for COVID-19 JC’s Village is suspending Sunday night meals. We will meet in person when weather is conducive and allows us to - and indoors when we can meet somewhere with sufficient room to appropriately socially-distance ourselves. When weather and indoor space are not available we will meet on-line.

We're growing closer to Jesus together


Looking for a group to connect with? JC’s Village offers weekly discussions and Bible studies as well as weekly home-cooked meals together and so much more. We approach faith in a way that supports and encourages you to grow your relationship with God and learn who He made you to be.


Weekly Large Group Meeting

Sundays: home-cooked dinners at 6:30pm (usually - sometimes we mix it up - check Facebook for updates)

Weekly Dinner

Wednesdays: discussion and Bible-study. We meet all over town - on campus and off - contact us for more info or look us up on Facebook