Welcome back to La Crosse, students! We know that you have made tough choices and put forth effort to be able to be here and we’re happy to have you. COVID-19 poses challenges for us all. Local campuses have all made safely staying open so as to best serve their students a priority. JC’s Village is as committed as ever to operating in a way that is a positive contribution to the campus culture and will abide by campus policies and CDC recommendations. That said, as the campus minister for JC’s Village - I am also personally as committed as ever to supporting students’ desire to grow their walk with God, explore their faith, and ask questions and meet other students on the same path in an environment that is encouraging, healthy, and supportive - spiritually and of course also physically. So - until La Crosse County is no longer a high-risk county for COVID-19 JC’s Village is suspending Sunday night meals. We will meet in person when weather is conducive and allows us to - and indoors when we can meet somewhere with sufficient room to appropriately socially-distance ourselves. When weather and indoor space are not available we will meet on-line.

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JC’s Village got it’s name as a group of Christ followers kicked around the criteria below.

  1. Jesus is first in all we do so naturally His name comes first in the ministry's name. We used JC's instead of "Jesus" because we like the informality and closeness implied in calling someone we love and admire by their initials.

  2. We love the idea of creating and being a part of a group that feels like family - where everyone counts and gets a seat at the table.

  3. We also wanted a simple name - devoid of complicated theological or "Christiany" terms.

That's it.  Simple - right?  

As for our logo - perhaps the first song children learn is "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red and yellow black and white - they are precious in His sight - Jesus loves the children of the world.  Well - we believe Jesus loves all the children too - and so do we. 


JC's Village is a federally registered 501(C)3 non-profit ministry - and like many ministries we partner with churches and individuals who are committed to bringing Christ to college students. As people who were saved as college students - we are especially grateful for the generosity of our partners in helping us reach out to the campus community with the gospel and minister to students as they pursue higher education and prepare for their futures. 

Reaching out to College and University students is essential because ...

  1. Statistically - college years are the last season of life people are so open to the gospel.

  2. The college campus today is where tomorrow's leaders are.

  3. Students are looking for something meaningful to give their lives to.

  4. Students are eager to learn.

  5. Students use their college years to make nearly every major life decision.

  6. Students are more effective at reaching their peers than anyone else.

  7. Countries all over the world send their best and brightest to our campuses ... there is no other place you can influence the future as powerfully in as many countries at once - all in English.  Imagine working as a missionary in 70+ countries speaking as many or more languages - all at once!  

  8. The vast majority of college students will not on their own seek out opportunities to grow spiritually. 

If you would like to be a part of impacting the future for Christ - use the contact info on our Ministry Friends page.  We cannot fulfill our calling to bring Christ to campus without YOU!



JC's Village was founded by Amy Jo Van Arsdall, an ordained campus minister with decades of campus ministry experience across three states and 4 different ministries.