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For the Love - Day 22

Most Bible-y types think of 1 Corinthians 13 as the "love chapter" - but I seriously think that there are multiple contenders for that title - and Luke 15 is not the least among them.  This chapter starts with the lost sheep - which the shepherd ditches 99% of his herd to go find.  Then it talks about the lost coin - which leads a woman to tear her whole house apart (been there) - and ends with this incredible parable of the prodigal son - which has been inspiring people since Jesus first told it.  

It's one thing if you're sitting somewhere and hear a clever analogy of God's love for us - but it's another thing all together to have God's own Son describing his Father's love for us.  You probably have your own favorite expositions on these 20 verses - or at least I hope you do.  

When was the last time you read this parable? Rembrandt painted his conception of the clinching moment of the tale.  Henri Nouwen wrote book about it.  The more I read it - the easier it is for me to set aside my striving and rest in God's grace.  How does this parable effect you?

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